Peanut Butter Apples

This is a twist on caramel apples.  I was thinking today, and I had this brilliant idea that I'm sure tons of other people have thought of and is defiantly not original.  But, you know, once I got the idea, I couldn't stop thinking about it.  I don't know about you, but when I get a caramel apple, I just go home and cut it up, because there is no way I'm eating it whole.  It's impossible to take bites because the apple's so big, plus the caramel gets everywhere.  I decided to cut the apple into slices, and then put each slice on a stick and dip it in caramel.  Then you could pop the whole thing in your mouth and not get caramel everywhere.  By then I knew I would have to make some.  So I got all ready, and realized we didn't have any caramel.  So that's how this whole post came to be.

I rated this as "duo", because it is really easy, but compared to our other Halloween crafts it takes a little more time and effort.  To see our rating key, look at the right hand side bar.

What you need...
~An apple
~Peanut butter
~Cake pop sticks
~Fun toppings like mini chocolate chips, coconut, raisins, pretzel pieces, candy corn, nuts, crushed candy, etc.

Step 1: Cut your apple into thick slices.

Step 2:  Stick your cake pop sticks into the apple slices.

Step 3:  Using a knife, spread peanut butter on the apple.

Step 4:  Then either roll your apple slices in your toppings or sprinkle them on top.

And that's it!!  My favorite topping combo is mini chocolate chips and coconut.


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