Octopus ( P.S. With Six Legs)

Looking for a good idea to entertain your kids for a fell hours this winter.  Well I think that I might have your answer.  This is a simple clay octopus (with only six legs I know this does not seem right but it works the best) is a fun and easy craft that almost any age kids or adults will enjoy.  I have broken it down to make it simple and fun for everyone.  So let's get started!

I would rate this project as a "Duo" because it is not hard at all, but you have to go and get some supplies from the store in order to make it.  I would really encourage you to do this craft with any age kid or adult.  Have some fun with it!

  • Permanent Marker
  • Wire
  • Wire Cuter
  • Sculpey Clay
  • Mat or paper plate (some sort of work surface)
  • Key Ring Loop
  • Glaze
  • Paint Brush

How To:

1.) Cut off some of the clay. 

2.) Play with the clay.

3.) Roll the clay into a ball.  

4.) Cut off some more clay and roll it into six smaller balls.  

5.) Place the six little balls in a circle on the bottom of the big ball.

6.) Make a loop out of the wire and cut it off so there is still some room for it to go into your charm.  (As shown above.)

7.) Place the loop at the top of the octopus.  

8.) Bake the octopus according to the directions on the package of the clay.  After it is baked draw a face on it with the marker and glaze over the top.  Then you can put on the key chain loop.

Enjoy your clay octopus!

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