Loopty Letters

Are you trying to think of a way to change up your room a little bit?  These might help!!  They're fun to make and you can add a lot of personality to them!
I rated these "eh" because you are most likely going to have the materials, but it can be a little tricky wrapping the fabric while keeping the form- you'll see!

  •  Wire or Pipe Cleaners
  • 1 kind of fabric- you don't need a ton
  • Scissors
  • Tacky or Hot Glue
  • 1 or more scraps of fabric (optional)
  • 1 or more kinds of yarn (optional)
  • Buttons (optional)
  • Felt Flowers (optional)
  • Any other thing you can think of to decorate with
 How to...

1.  Take 2 pipe cleaners and cross them so that they make an X.

 2.  Start to twist them so that they make one long pipe cleaner.

3.  Repeat until you have one long pipe cleaner made of around 6 pipe cleaners.

 4. Cut 2 or 3 strips of your main fabric into about 1/2 inch wide strips, but it doesn't really matter.  It doesn't matter how long they are.  You'll need to cut more later- that's just to start you off.

5.  Twist the fabric half way around at a slant. 

6.  Put a line of glue on the pipe cleaner and stick the fabric on.

7.  Wrap the fabric around the pipe cleaner until you run out of fabric.

8.  Tie another strip of fabric to the one wrapped around the pipe cleaner.

9.  Repeat steps 7 and 8 until you've covered the whole pipe cleaner.

10. Shape the pipe cleaner into the shape you want.

11. Now all you have to do is customize your letter.  I used some fabric flowers and buttons (see the picture below) along with some fabric scraps and yarn. 

And that's it!


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