Bulb Center Piece

Was your name drawn out of the hat this year for hosting Christmas?  If it was and right now you are stressing out about what to-do as a center piece I might just have your answer.  This center piece is pretty and takes less then five minutes to make (no joke).  I hope that you enjoy and just so that you have an idea I am rating this as "pie" if you have no idea what that means look to your right hand side bar.

What You Need:
  • Vase (I found mine at Ikea)
  • Colorful Christmas bulbs about 6
  • Gold snow flake
  • Wide gold ribbon
  • Epson Salt
  • 3 Tea light candles
  • 2 Vocatives

How To:

1.) Take the ribbon and tie a bow the bottom of the vase.

2.) Fill your vase about half way full with Epson salt.

3.) Place your bulbs in the vase. 

4.) Add your gold snowflake.

5.) Place the tea lights in the vocative and then place them on either side of the vase.

Enjoy a Christmas dinner!

~ Ella

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