Newspaper Canvas

I LOVE Mod Podge, so I decided to do a canvas using Mod Podge.  I like it because you can do a variety of projects and it's really not that hard to get the hang of.

I would rate this as “eh”, because even though it’s fairly straightforward, it requires a canvas and Mod Podge, which not everyone has.  If you don't know about our rating key, see the right hand side

•A canvas (any size)
•Mod Podge
•A sponge brush
•Painters tape
•A scissors
•Watercolor paint
•Some tunes to jam out to

Put some music on!  This takes a while, and though it is soothing, you will go crazy without music!  (At this very moment I have Pandora on!)
So, now that you have your tunes on… Rip your newspaper into 1 x 2 inch strips.

Put a thin layer of Mod Podge on a spot of your canvas and stick a strip to your canvas.

 Still have your music?  Great!  Because now you get to: Repeat until you have covered your whole canvas.  Make sure you’ve covered the edges and sides! Yep, it'll take awhile!

Once it's fully covered, go over it in another coat of Mod Podge.  Do at least three coats, because that will help with the next step.

Using painter’s tape, write a word and stick it to the canvas.

After making sure that the tape is sticking really well, do a coat of paint over it in watercolor.  Does that seem strange to you?  I would have gone with acrylic, but watercolor seemed to work better.  I don't know- maybe that's obvious.
Anyhoo, let that dry, and do a second coat if needed.

When it's completely dry, carefully take the tape off.

And that's it!

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