"Laminated" Leaves

When I was younger, I always looked forward to getting laminated leaves from my great-aunt.  She would send bright fall leaves through a laminater, and then use sharpie to write us quick messages.  A couple days ago I was looking at the leaves in our backyard, and I thought it would be cool to try it.  Unfortunately, I don't really have access to a laminator.  I decided to improvise, though if you guys have a laminator feel free to do it that way.

I rated these "duo" because they really aren't that hard but they take more time than some of our other fall crafts.


~Some fall leaves
~Packing tape
~Permanent marker (optional)

Step 1: Start covering your leaf in strips of packing tape.  Make sure that the whole leaf is covered.

Step 2: Cut the tape around the leaf off, but make sure that there is still a boarder of tape around the entire leaf.

Step 3: If you want, write a quick message in sharpie.

And that's it!  You can use these to send to a friend, stick in a gift, or decorate your house with them.  The leaves my aunt gave me still look new and she gave them to me five years ago.  I'm guessing the tape will keep the air out pretty well too, but no guarantees.


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