Your Key's Home (aka a land yard)

I have been sewing for a long time now.  However, sometime I still like to do quick and easy projects.  Which is exactly what this project is.  If you are looking for a confidence boost or just something to do in extra time, this project is perfect.  Another bonus is that most of the materials are things that you have laying around the house (or at least for most sewers/quilters).  This could be a great first project for a beginner as well. So, what are we waiting for?  Let's dig in.  
I did rate this project a "eh" because there is a few harder parts. However, in the end when some asks how hard it was you will say "Eh".  To see the our definition look on the right hand side bar.

  • Sewing Machine
  • Pins
  • Scissors
  • Thread
  • Interfacing: 4 pieces that are 4 inches by 8 inches (or that match your fabric measurements)
  • Fabric: 4 pieces that are 4 inches by 8 inches (This can be scraps, so there can be more or less pieces.  Just make it so that you get 32 inches in length)
  • Iron
  • Ironing Board
  • Key Chain Loop
How To:

1.) Lay out all of your pieces and iron them (if your pieces are not cut to 4 by 32 inches then do that first).

2.) Take out your interfacing and make sure that it is cut to the right size.

3.) Line up your interfacing with your fabric. Make sure that the bumpy side of the interfacing is laying down.  

4.) Take a damp towel and place it over the top of your piece.  So, it should go your fabric, interfacing, then damp towel.

5.) Take your iron and press down while counting to ten.  Then repeat this until you have done it to all of the fabric surface. 

6.) Make sure that the interfacing is glued on everywhere and if it is not repeat the last step.  If you have more then one piece apply interfacing to all of your pieces. 

7.) If you have more then one piece then do these next few steps and if not skip ahead to step 12. Line up your pieces along the shorter edge with right sides together.  Once they are lined up pin them.

8.) Sew along the edge that you just pined using a 3/4 inch seam allowance.

9.) Repeat this to the other two pieces if you have four. This is what they should look like after you have sewn them together

10.) Sew all of the pieces together so it is one long strip.

11.) Press the seams.

12.) Take your strip and fold it in half.  Once it is in half press with the iron.

13.) Unfold your piece and if you did it right there should be a crease down the center (running the long way).

14.) Take and fold one of the sides in to the middle fold. Then press with your iron.

15.) Repeat the last step for the other side.

16.) Take and fold the on the center crease again then, repress.

17.) After all that work you have to unfold it to sew the two ends together.  Line the two short ends up and pin. In this process make sure not to twist the fabric.

18.) Sew across the edge you just pined.

This is what you should have.

19.) Iron the all of the creases again.

20.) Sew along the edge. I used the side of my presser foot as my seam allowance.

21.) Sew along the other side.

22.) Put your key chain loop on your loopy thing.

23.) Sew across the edge just above the key chain loop and then you can sew across the edge again a little higher up.

Enjoy your new hand land yard!

Talk To You Soon!

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