M&M Christmas Countdown

For our very first Christmas project, we are doing a countdown.  No, it's not the first of December,  but you still have time!!  It is inexpensive, quick, and will increase the excitement for Christmas (if that's possible).

I would rate this "pie", because it's super easy.
•Christmas M&Ms
•A small jar
•A piece of green, red, or other Christmas card stock
•A pen

1.  Fill your jar with 25 M&Ms (or how many days are left until Christmas).

2.  Fold a piece of card stock in half so that it stands up.

3.  On it, write this message:

M&M Christmas Countdown

As you hold and turn these candies, remember:

E is for the East, where the star shone.
M is for the manger where baby Jesus slept.
3 is for the three gifts
W is for worship, which the angel sang.

Each morning, eat one of these, until they're gone on Christmas Day!

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