Organization Fun!

With school right around the corner, it means that it is the time of year to go school supply shopping.  One of the things that is always on my list is an agenda.  There are always so many different colors to choose from, but I never find the perfect one.  That is until I add a bit of my own flare. In this post I will walk you through some ideas to add that personal touch to your school year.  (Note: I said ideas; you don't have to do the same thing as me.)  So, let's get started! 

I decided that this craft is rated "pie", which we have defined to mean the following:
The easiest projects you'll find on our blog.  It shouldn't take you long at all, and you should be able to find all of the materials in your house.  When you are done, you'll look back and say, "That was easy as pie!"
( You don't need everything that is listed, just what you want!)
  • Agenda
  • Scissors
  • Post-its
  • Tape
  • Stickers
  • Markers
  • Pictures from the summer
  • Any quotes 
  • Anything else you can think of 

1.) First thing I did was make a name tag for my agenda ( I listed the steps below ).

a.) Take the post-its, and pick out some markers and brainstorm a background design. 

b.) Start to work on your chosen design. I did three colors and just drew them in a square on the post-it.

c.) Take a pencil and write your name. Make the writing funky!

d.) Cover the pencil with black marker.

e.) Make the black lines thicker if you need to.

2.) The second thing I did was print out a favorite quote and an image from Google.

3.) Now it's time to put it all together!

a.) Lay out your pictures, name, quotes, and stickers on the front of your agenda.  In this step play around with different placements.

b.) Tape everything down. I would tape over most of the images to save them from your backpack.

4.) Enjoy!

~ Organizationally Ella

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