Doggy Desserts

These cupcakes are cute and surprisingly easy to make!  People ages 0-100 will love them!  You can make them for a birthday or just for fun!

I would rate these as an "oh boy" (see the rating key in the right hand side bar.).  There isn't anything particularly hard about them, but it does involve using an oven.  Also, the Nutter Butters were kinda fragile after we took the peanut butter off, so that takes a bit of patience!


  • 24 Chocolate or Peanut butter Cupcakes
  • Chocolate Frosting
  • 24 Nutter Butters (and maybe extras in case one breaks)
  • 24 Nilla Wafers
  • 48 Mini Marshmallows
  • 24 M&Ms
  • Black Writing Gel
  • Butter Knife

How To...

Step 1:  If your cupcakes are already baked, set them aside.  Otherwise you can do steps #1- 3 while they are baking.  Break a Nutter Butter apart into two pieces.

Step 2:  With a butter knife scrape the peanut butter off and throw it away (I have to admit- I'm pretty sure more of it went in my mouth than in the garbage!!)

Step 3:  Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all of the Nutter Butters are broken apart and the peanut butter is all scraped away.  Throw away any that break (or you can eat them).

Step 4:  Frost your cupcakes with a light coat of frosting.

Step 5:  Place a Nilla Wafer on a cupcake, hanging a little off of your cupcake.

Step 6:  Place 2 Nutter Butters on as ears.  Place 2 Mini Marshmallows on as eyes.

Step 7:  Using the black writing gel make 2 dots on the marshmallows for eyes.

 Step 8:  Using frosting as glue, put an M&M on the Nilla Wafer as a nose.  Make sure that the white M on the M&M is facing down. 

Step 9:   Using black writing gel make the mouth on the Nilla Wafer.

Step 10:  Repeat steps 5-9 for all of the cupcakes.

Step 11:  Serve immediately, otherwise the marshmallows and Nilla Wafers get stale... Enjoy!

Idea:  This picture

from here


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