Reindeer Hot Coco In a Jar

When looking for the prefect gift for someone that fits into your price range it may be a bit challenging.  This craft may just be your answer. I think that I was able to make in $10 or less.  So, let's not waste anytime, let's get to the crafting.  But before I don that I just wanted to let you know this craft is rated as "duo" for the definition look to the right hand side bar.

What You Will Need:

  • Hot Coco
  • Hot glue gun
  • Brown pipe cleaners 
  • Googly eyes
  • Mason Jar with lid
  • Red pompoms

How To:

1.) Plug in your hot glue gun.

3.) Lay out the face of your reindeer on the mason jar.

4.) Place hot glue on the mason jar were you want the eyes and noise to go and then place them on the jar.

5.) Loop a pipe cleaner around the rim of the jar and twist it tight.

6.) Loop the two brown pipe cleaners onto the pipe clean that you just put on.  Make sure that they are across from each other.

7.) Fold over part of the top of the pipe cleaner (as shown).

8.) Repeat this for each antler.  Then do it on  the other side

9.) Put a dab of glue under the pipe cleaner to make it stand up.

10.) Admire your work!

11.) Take a spoon and fill the mason jar with coco.

12.) Place the lid on the jar.

13.) Give your gift to someone.


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