Sewing Kit in a Mason Jar

I would rate this
"eh", because even though it's not that hard, you'll probably have to go out and buy some stuff.


•A Mason jar
•A fat quarter of whatever kind of fabric you want
•A hot glue gun
•Other random sewing stuff

1. Lay your lid on your fabric and draw a circle about one inch around it.

2. Cut the circle out.

3. Make a ring of hot glue around the edge of your Madon jar lid.

4. Cover it with the edge of your fabric, bunching as you go.  Leave about an inch or so open.

5. Stuff it with stuffing.

6. Hot glue the rest of it shut.

7. Make a ring of hot glue on the inside of the ring part of the lid.

8. Push the other part of the lid in.

9. Fill your Mason jar with sewing items and screw the lid on (it might be harder with the fabric).
Some of the items I used were: ribbon, buttons, needles, pins, and some thread.


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