Simply Your Wallet!

Are you looking for a one of a kind wallet . . . something no one else has?  Well then this is the perfect craft for you.  My colors may be a bit girly for some people, but you can always change the duct tape color.  So, this craft can be perfect for both boys and girls. It will make the perfect one of a kind gift or accessory for your own closet.  This is a simple and one of  a kind craft that you can make on your own, so let's get started!

 This craft can be defined as Eh which on this blog means . . . If someone were to ask you how hard this project was after you've completed it, you would most likely say "eh".  However, that does not mean this project is not fun.  It will be sure to challenge you without frustrating you. 


  • Pink Duct Tape
  • Green Duct Tape
  • Cupcake Duct Tape
  • Exacto knife
  • Cutting mat
  • Money

How To:

1.) Cut out two pieces of the cupcake tape, each about 8 inches long.

2.) Cut out a pink strip the same length.

3.) Cut out 5 green strips also 8 inches long.

4.) Place the two cupcake strips so that they are slightly overlapping. It will make one big piece of tape.

5.) Place the green strips on top of them so that there is no tape showing.

6.) Trim the edges so that they are even.

7.) Take a green strip and place it on top of the pink one.

8.) Cut the other green strip in half.

9.) Place the half of a green strip on the pink and fold it over.

10.) Place the pink strip lined up with the bottom. Then take the other half of the green tape and place it on the the cupcake side of the tape. Then fold it over on to the pink side of the tape. The pink and cupcake tape should be attached by the bottom (as shown).

11.) Cut the last green strip in half and place it on the top of the outside.  Fold the tape over so that it covers the edge.

12.) Trim the edges.

13.) Cut out a green strip the size of the wallet and then cut it in half.

14.) Place the tape on one side of the wallet and fold it over. Repeat for other side.

15.) Cut a slit for where the tape hit the pocket.

16.) Fold in half.

Enjoy your new wallet!

~ Simply Ella

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