Fruity Fondant

I know there are other people besides Ella and me who love making cupcakes, but don't want to pay the price for fondant.  Well I saw an easy and cheap way to make "fondant"- that is, for those who like Starbursts.

I rated this project an orange crayon, which is named "duo".  To see the rating key look at the side bar.


  - Bag of Starbursts
  - A batch of cupcakes
  - Frosting
  - A rolling pin
  - Wax paper
  - Cookie cutter(s) and/or knife

Step 1:  Frost your cupcakes

Step 2:  Take a Starburst (or more than one) and put it between 2 pieces of wax paper

Step 3:  Using the rolling pin press down on the Starburst, don't roll

Step 4:  Once the Starburst is somewhat flat and easier to roll, roll it until it's thin and even

Step 5:  Take the top layer of wax paper off

Step 6:  Use a knife or cookie cutter and cut awesome designs out of the flat Starbursts.

Step 7:  Put the "fondant" on the cupcake and you're good to go!

Starburst Fondant may not work to cover a whole cake, but it works for making fun designs and figures.

Idea:  Family Fun magazine


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