Super Bowl Cake

Hey guys!  So last week I gave a sneak peak for Snow Ice Cream.  But I forgot one very small detail- today is the Super Bowl!  I decided that I'd put this up instead, but it took me a while to write up the post, so sorry it's late!!  Snow Ice Cream, you will have to wait!

I rated this "eh", because for a cake it's really not that hard, but you do need three different colored frostings and two different kinds of tips.  To see our rating key, look at the right hand side bar.


~A baked chocolate cake
~ Green frosting
~Chocolate frosting
~White frosting
~One small round piping tip
~One basket weave piping tip
~A paper towel
~This masher thingy (I don't know the name!!!):

Step 1:
Pipe out the outline of a football with chocolate frosting onto your cake.  Then fill it in with the rest of your chocolate frosting.

Step 2:
Using a paper towel, flatten out the frosting.

Step 3:
Using the masher thingy, lightly press on the frosting part to make texture.

Step 4:
Fill in the rest of the cake with the green frosting.

Step 5:
Using the basket weave tip, make two vertical lines.

 Step 6:
Using the round tip, make the laces.

And that's it!!  Enjoy your cake and Go Broncos!!!


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