Me Oh My . . . Stripes ( stripes on textured walls)

I am sure that most of you have gone to some sort of paint store and seen walls full of paint samples.  From experience I know that when you are trying to find the right color this can be overwhelming.  On top of not knowing what color to choose, it can be hard to choose to add a design to the wall or leave it one color.  Well today we are here to help.  I may not be able to pick out your paint for you, but I can help put some flare on the wall. 

These step by step instructions can help you to make the walls of your home unique. Face the fear of the walls of paint chips and dig in

  I Rated this craft as "quirky" because it is a bit hard and takes a long time and lots of patience.  However, don't let this discourage you!
  • Painter's Tape
  • Paint Bush
  • Painting mask (optional but recommended)
  • Rags ( a lot )
  • Base Color (I used a lime green)
  • Second Color (I used a pink/purple)
  • Plastic
  • Measuring tape
  • Hammer
  • Screw Driver
  • Fishing Line
  • Weights
  • Time (Lots and lots of time)

How To:

1.) Paint all of the walls with your base color.  Then pick your wall to put the stripes on. 

2.) I don't have a picture for this next part, but here is want you have to do.  Take the fishing line and attach about two weights to the bottom of it.   

3.) Now take and hold the line so that the weights are at the ground and the line runs up the wall.  Once the line seems straight tape it at the top. 

4.) Then measure from the top part of the string to the side of the wall. and then do the same for the bottom.  Once the line is straight tape the bottom.

5.) Take the roll of tape and start at the top of the wall and follow the line to the bottom of the wall.  Then repeat steps 2-4 for the other side of the stripe.  Once one stripe is complete tape on the ceiling and base board where you will be painting (as shown).  

6.) Repeat steps 2-5 until you run out of wall.  As a tip remember to vary the sizes of your stripe
 if you want the effect that I have, also the part of the wall that the tape is on will be green.

7.) Press down all of the stripes of tape. 

8.) This step is only if your walls are textured.  Paint along the tape with your base color so if the paint is going to bled through it will be the base color and not your second color.  Let dry according to the paint's label.

9.) Paint on your second color in side the stripes that you want to be the second color.  I would do two coats of this color.

10.) Once the paint is mostly dry take the tape off.  Make sure to do this at the angle shown in the picture. 

11.) Do any touch ups. 

12.) Now enjoy your new wall!

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