Friday, October 2, 2015

Crafting Can Be Hard!!!


As you guys probably don't know, we try to do a monthly letter (we basically just write about something about the blog).  We still post our regular tutorials; this is just extra.  Just keep scrolling to find our sneak peak!

    So...  I don't know about you guys, but Ella and I fail at about 60% of our projects, give or take (wouldn't you say so Ella?...  She says yes!! :)).

Anyhoo, most of the projects Ella and I see we think look so cool... and then we decide to try them.  We start a "5 minute project" thinking "well, this will be a fun, quick project!" and 45 minutes later we finally finish the project, and wonder where it had gone terribly wrong!!

    But that's okay!!!  If we kinda like the idea, we'll save it for another day, and come back to it thinking, "okay, how can I change this so it will work?"  Or maybe we just got so fed up with the project that we decide to just forget about it. 

    Ella and I aren't "advanced and professional" crafters.  Most of the stuff we have is stuff that any even somewhat crafty person will have.  And we're no more skilled than any of you.  So, my point is, if we can do these crafts, you can too!!  And if you've failed some crafts before, who cares?  In the past 2 weeks I have tried 8 different projects and 6 of them haven't worked out...

    Please don't look at one of our ideas and think "oh, that looks interesting"  and then see that it has more than 5 steps, and decide that it's too hard.  Because I'm not sure about Ella, but I know that if you have to cut a piece of duct tape and stick it to another, I'll probably put that in 10 steps!!

    Sorry if that was sorta long, but I'm just trying to stress the point that if you find a hard craft, go for it!!!  (I'd like to say that hard crafts are good for the brain too, but that would take some research, and since it's the weekend, I think I'll pass).

Thanks for reading!

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