DIY Pumpkin Chips

These are one of my favorite of all our fall projects.  They're actually really easy to make, plus you would have most of the materials at home!

I rated these "eh" because even though they're easy to make, if you don't have Halloween cookie cutters they can be pretty time consuming.  If you don't know what that means, see the rating key on the right.

~Halloween cookie cutter or knife
~Toaster oven
~Salsa or other dip

Step 1: Cut Halloween shapes out of your tortilla.  If you have Halloween/ fall cookie cutters, use those.  If not, use your knife to cut a simple shape like pumpkins (that's what I did).

Step 2:  I put them in my toaster oven at 350°F for 3 minutes, flipping them half way through.  Depending on your toaster oven and how big yours are, you might need to change that.

Step 3:  Pair them with salsa or dip!

I saw these at Cool Mom Picks.


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