Thursday, November 12, 2015

Just Check en In!

Hello Viewers,

Another month has past and we just wanted to tell you what we are up to and just say hi.  We have been an up and running blog for almost 2 months (mini victory), and we have yet to miss a blog post on Friday!  Over all for us that may be a new record.  Most of the time Hannah and I give up on our "bright" ideas within a few weeks.  Not this one though (knock on wood that we keep it up).

So, now I just want to give you a little overview of what the next few months are going to look like.  First off Hannah and I are going to work our butts off to get you as many Christmas ideas as possible (we'll see how many two two teenage girls with seven classes a day and other activities can).  We'll be going crazy for Christmas with theme "The 12 days of Christmas".  So, we still have roughly a month until all of this happens.

Talking more in the present, Hannah and I have decided that since we are going all out for Christmas, we will not be going too big for Thanksgiving.  One of us will most likely post something on Thanksgiving, but don't expect it to be like Halloween ( we will try to be more planned out about it next year to get you more Thanksgiving ideas).

So, I think that is about all that we will be up to for the next few months.  Hope that you are enjoying our blog, and if your have any questions, comments, problems, or ideas please be sure to tell us.  Either leave a comment or email us at

Yours Truly,

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