Monday, November 9, 2015

Sneak Peak

Hey so right now it's Thursday and I just realized that I haven't written a sneak peak for tomorrow.  If you've ever had that "oh-shoot-there's-that-big-test-tomorrow" panic before, then you probably know what I'm feeling!  So sorry if this isn't the best post!

Check out Ella's new page, called "Time to Crash???  The Perfect Pillow".  Its no-sew and super nice for trips!  It's under the "sewing" category, or just click on the picture!


Next week I'm going to post a page called "Loopty Letters".  These take a little while to make, but they're super fun and cute.  Plus, you can make each one unique!!

Check back next week (11~13~15) to see the full tutorial!  It will be under the "random" category.

See you then!


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