Friday, March 25, 2016


Hi Everyone,

I decided to do this week's sneak peak and post all in one.  Today I have for you some Easter fun, so dig in and have some fun!

With Easter here again there is always family get together's to go to or church brunch's to host, so this year I am going to make the center pieces for all the tables quick and easy. This orange and yellow center piece will help to get everyone in the festive time of year not only at brunch, but as you make it to. The center piece is a fun family craft that anyone can help create, so why don't we explore how to create this festive center piece.


  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Hot Glue (5-10 sticks)
  •  35 Bunny Peeps ( I did two colors)
  • Jelly Beans 
  • Styrofoam Cone (The size is your choice, but make sure you have enough peeps.)

How To:

1.) Plug in the hot glue gun so that it can warm up.

2.) Dump out the jelly beans in a bowl in order to make the easier to grab, then place a glob of glue down on the Styrofoam cone. 

3.) Quickly place a jelly bean on top of the glob of glue.

4.) Repeat this processes until the bottom of the cone has a ring of jelly beans around it.

5.) Take the Peeps and tear them apart. 

6.) If you choose to use two color Peeps then lay them out with how ever many Peeps you need to wrap around the cone's base. I used 10.

7.)  Put two lines of glue up and down the on cone.

8.) Place the Peeps on the glue lines if you are using two colors make sure to alternate them. 

9.) Repeat this process until you make it around the whole cone.

10.) Repeat the process of putting the jelly bean on, but do it on top of the Peeps you just put on the cone.

11.) Make another layer of peeps the same way that you did the first time. This time though the number of Peeps used will decrease by about two.

12.) Repeat the jelly bean process.

13.) Repeat the Peep process and keep reducing the number of Peeps.

14.) Keep doing this pattern of jelly bean and Peeps until you get to the cones top.

15.) Once you get to the top if the you have run out of Peeps fill in the gaps with jelly bean or go for a run to the store and get more peeps.

16.) Enjoy this unique centerpieces at your Easter brunch! 

Thanks for reading, come back next week to enjoy a surprise post!


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Hey Everyone,

Happy St. Patrick's day!

In order to help you celebrate today we are doing our post a day early (also we felt like we should make it up to you since we missed last week). In this post I will walk you through the steps of creating a one of a kind bookmark. This is something that everyone will enjoy, so I hope that you check it out.


P.S. I don't know what will be going up next week so come back then and check it out!

Monday, March 7, 2016


So I have been super busy this week and don't have a sneak peak.  Guess it'll be a surprise!!


This week Ella has posted a tutorial for a duct tape dress!  It will go great with her other tutorials that she will be posting soon: a headband and shoes!  It's under the duct tape category.

See you then!