Friday, August 28, 2015

Doggy Desserts Sneak Peak!

Hey! have a new page called "Organization Fun"!  It's a great back to school idea! You can locate it under the "Random" category, or you can click on the picture and it will bring you there.  Go check it out, and it just might make your school year a little more fun!
Also, here's a little sneak peak for next week's tutorial:

These cupcakes are cute and surprisingly easy to make!  People ages 0-100 will love these! You can make them for a birthday, or just for fun!

Check back next Friday (9~4~15) for the full tutorial, complete with easy-to-follow steps and pictures!  You'll be able to find it under the "baking" category.

See you then!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Welcome to our Blog

Hi There,
   I would like to start off this blog by introducing myself.  I am Ella.  My best friend Hannah and I have started this blog together in hopes of sharing our creativity with the world ( aka you ). We both share the love of creating, so about a year ago we decided to go on the adventure of creating this blog.  Together we have come up with some pretty crazy plans.  Some have worked and others not so much, so our hope is that this crazy plan will work!  ( I guess that you can be the judge of that because people reading and creating the things on this blog is our goal.)
   We have spent a lot of time this past year getting the blog ready for you, and yes, we have already faced some challenges, but we hope that you will love what we have for you.  Yes, we are still working on some of the the minor things, but we will get better, I promise!  However, if there is anything that you want changed, send us an email using the one listed on the right. As time goes on we hope to always be adding new and exciting aspects to our blog.  

In all we just want to thank you for reading and hopefully creating our crazy projects!

Hope you enjoy,


P.S. And Hannah 

Our pages

On all of our pages you can find crafty ideas.  Sewing, baking, clay, card making, nail designs, ANYTHING!  And at the top of the pages we list what WE think the difficulties should be out of five crayons, five being the hardest compared to our other pages.  Just note that they aren't compared to all of the other crafts in the world, just our crafts on this blog ( below we have listed a short description of what each crayon means) ...  Now go check out one of our crafts!

1.) Pie to be defined as . . .
The easiest projects you'll find on our blog.  It shouldn't take you long at all, and you should be able to find all of the materials in your house.  When you are done, you'll look back and say, "that was easy as pie!"

2.) Duo to be defined as . . .
Just like duo is a simple word that isn't hard to sound out or spell, this craft is pretty straight-forward, although it may take a few extra minutes and another trip to the craft store.

3.) Eh to be defined as . . .
If someone were to ask you how hard this project was after you've completed it, you would most likely say "eh".  However, that does not mean this project is not fun.  It will be sure to challenge you without frustrating you. 

4.) Oh Boy to be be defined as . . .
At first glance, you'll say "oh, boy!", but when you sit back, you'll realize that with a little bit of hard work you'll be able to do it. 

5.) Quirky to be defined as . . .
These are our most complicated projects.  A  beginner should probably shy away from these projects until they've had a bit of experience.  To complete them, you will need a bit of perseverance, optimism, and hope.  Also, some time.  However, it will NOT be disappointing!!!