Saturday, September 19, 2015

Me Oh My . . . Stripes ( stripes on textured walls) Sneak Peak

Have you every tried to cut a cork screw?  Well if you have then you know that they can be a bit particular when it comes to cutting.  That, however, should not be a problem after you read today's post.  Click on the link below or go to the category "random" to find it.

Also . . .

Next week I am going to show you how to add a taste of you to your walls.  I will take you through the steps of putting stripes on your wall.  Even better-your textured wall!  This will help you to add a bit of your own touch to a room. You don't need to do it exactly like mine. So, come back next week for the full instructions!

1 comment:

  1. "Oh Me Oh My... Stripes" is now posted! Just click on the picture to see the tutorial.

    ~Ella and Hannah
